Open Data and Accessible Source Materials Guidelines (HSS)
- What are Open Data and Accessible Source Materials
- What is required when submitting an article
- Further Guidance on Open Data requirements for new datasets you have generated
- Further guidance on Open Data requirements for existing datasets you have reused
- Further Guidance on Accessible Source Materials
- Limited exceptions to these guidelines
- The FAIR Data Principles
- Gates Open Research-approved repositories
- If you generated new datasets (for example field notes, survey responses, interview transcripts), you must deposit them into an appropriate data repository, and describe how they can be accessed and reused by others in your Data Availability Statement.
- If you reused existing datasets (for example Open Government datasets or data generated by another researcher) you must describe how they can be accessed and reused by others in your Data Availability Statement.
- If you used other source materials, for example from libraries, archives or museum collections, you must describe how they can be accessed and reused by others in your Data Availability Statement.
- Your dataset(s) must be deposited in an appropriate data repository.
- Your dataset(s) must have a license applied which allows reuse by others (CC0 or CC-BY).
- Your dataset(s) must have a persistent identifier (e.g. a DOI, ARK or Handle), allocated by a data repository.
- You must provide a data availability statement as a section at the end of your article, including elements 1-3.
- You must include a citation for each dataset and add it to your reference list.
- Your dataset(s) should not contain any sensitive information, for example in relation to human research participants.
- You should share any related software and code.
- Your dataset(s) must be useful and reusable by others, adhere to any relevant data sharing standards in your discipline and align with the FAIR Data Principles.
- Your dataset(s) should link back to your article, if possible.
- You must provide a data availability statement as a section within your article, describing where the dataset is located and how it can be accessed by others.
- You must include a citation for each dataset and add it to your reference list.
- You must provide a data availability statement as a section within your article, describing where the source material is located and how it can be accessed by others.
- You must include a citation for your source and add it to your reference list.
- The name of the repository used;
- A brief description of the contents of each dataset;
- A statement that the dataset has a CC0 Public Domain Dedication or CC-BY 4.0 license applied.
Data Type | Data Availability Statement Example | Data Citation Example |
Data deposited into a generalist repository |
OSF: Home food growing, well-being and food security during the COVID-19 UK lockdown. (Mead, 2021) This project contains the following underlying data: Home food growing lockdown study data Mead.sav pre-pandemic UA opinon comparison.sav Data are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC-BY 4.0). |
Mead B: Home food growing, well-being and food security during the COVID-19 UK lockdown. 2021.
Example taken from: Mead BR, Davies JAC, Falagán N et al. Growing your own in times of crisis: the role of home food growing in perceived food insecurity and well-being during the early COVID-19 lockdown. Emerald Open Res 2021, 3:7 ( |
Literature as a dataset |
OSF: Meter and Memory. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/A825X (Andreetta et al., 2021). The project contains the following underlying data: all Ariosto.xlsx (Responses to the non-poems derived from the Orlando Furioso). all Dante.xlsx (Responses to the non-poems derived from the Divina Commedia). |
Andreetta S, Soldatkina O, Boboeva V, et al.: Meter and memory. OSF. 2021. Example taken from: Andreetta S Oleksandra S, Boboeva V and Treves, A. In poetry, if meter has to help memory, it takes its time. Open Research Europe 2021 ( |
Data with access restrictions (see below for a list of acceptable reasons to restrict access) |
The interview data generated and analysed during the current study cannot be sufficiently de-identified and therefore cannot be made publicly available, due to ethical considerations. In addition, the raw bibliometric analyses data that supported the interview sampling cannot be made publicly available, due to Scopus’ and University of Cambridge’s licence agreements. The data could potentially be made available upon reasonable request, for the purpose of further research. For this, please contact the corresponding author. However, the following data is available. Apollo: Research data supporting [How academic sabbaticals are used and how they contribute to research – a small-scale study of the University of Cambridge], (Wooding & Ioppolo, 2021) This project contains the following underlying data:
Wooding S, Ioppolo B: Research data supporting [How academic sabbaticals are used and how they contribute to research – a small-scale study of the University of Cambridge] [Dataset]. 2021. Example taken from: Ioppolo B and Wooding S. How academic sabbaticals are used and how they contribute to research – a small-scale study of the University of Cambridge using interviews and analysis of administrative data. F1000Research 2022, 11:36 ( |
Data in a controlled access repository |
Irish Social Science Data Archive: Lived Lives, (Lived Lives, 2021). Study number (SN): 0070-00 This project contains the following underlying data: – Lived_Lives_Quantitative_Data_Paper2_SPUH (Excel file containing quantitative data collected at Lived Lives SPUH) – Lived_Lives_Conference_Room_Transcript_Paper2_SPUH (Word file containing anonymised transcription of post-exhibition interactive conversation with the Lived Lives team) – Lived_Lives_Paper2_SPUH_Qualitative_Feedback (Word file containing quantitative data collected at Lived Lives SPUH) – Lived_Lives_Walsh_and_Phillips_Feedback_and Evaluation (Word document containing evaluations of Lived Lives by Dr. Consilia Walsh and Dr Áine Phillips) These data are under restricted access due to the sensitivity of the subject material. To access the data, please complete a ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes, sign it, and send it to ISSDA by email ( Researchers will be asked to provide a description for the intended use of the data and will be asked to agree to the terms of use, as outlined in the request form. Data access will be granted for teaching and research purposes under ISSDA terms and conditions. |
Lived Lives: Lived Lives I: A Rural Perspective; Lived Lives II: A Psychiatric Hospital Perspective, 2020. [dataset]. Version 1. Irish Social Science Data Archive. 2021. Example taken from: Malone KM, Cleary E, Kelleher CC et al. Bringing Lived Lives to Swift’s Asylum: a psychiatric hospital perspective. Wellcome Open Res 2021, 6:85 ( |
Articles without data | No data is associated with this article. | Not applicable |
Articles where the data consists of bibliographic references | The data for this article consists of bibliographic references, which are included in the References section. | Standard bibliographic references |
- Software available from: URL for the website where software can be downloaded from, if applicable.
- Source code available from: URL for versioning control system (for example GitHub).
- Archived source code at time of publication: DOI and citation for project in Zenodo.
- License: Must be an open license and preferably an OSI-approved license.
- Analysis code available from: URL for versioning control system (for example GitHub).
- Archived analysis code as at time of publication: DOI and citation, e.g. from Zenodo.
- License: Must be an open license and preferably an OSI-approved license or CC-BY 4.0.
- The name of the repository where the dataset can be found;
- A brief description of the contents of each dataset;
- A description of the license applied to the dataset, if available.
Data Type | Data Availability Statement Example | Data Citation Example |
Census data |
Individual-level data from the 1940 US Census is available from IPUMS These data are under Copyright of Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota. Access to the documentation is freely available without restriction; however, users must register before extracting data from the website. The output of the TopDown algorithm when run on the 1940 US Census data is available to download from the US Census Bureau: These data are under Copyright of the United States Census Bureau. |
Ruggles S, Flood S, Goeken R, et al.: IPUMS USA: Version 8.0 extract of 1940 Census for U.S. Census Bureau disclosure avoidance research [dataset]. 2018. Example taken from: Petti S and Flaxman AD. Differential privacy in the 2020 US census: what will it do? Quantifying the accuracy/privacy tradeoff. Gates Open Res 2020, 3:1722 ( |
Third-party survey data |
DCMS Survey. One dataset used in this paper is composed of responses to DCMS survey release for quarter 4 of their longitudinal survey titled ‘Taking Part’ (see DCMS (2017a), available at: (accessed 30-Jan-2020) under the Open Government License agreement. BFI survey. One dataset used in this paper is composed of responses to a British Film Institute (BFI) survey titled: ‘Cultural Consumption’ conducted by IpsosMORI in 2011. The BFI provide the survey dataset as appendix 4 of their larger report: Northern Alliance and Ipsos MediaCT (2011) Opening our eyes: How film contributes to the culture of the UK (Report), London: British Film Institute. Available at: |
DCMS: Taking Part Survey: England Adult Report, 2016/17 – Statistical release quarter 4’ [dataset]. DCMS/Crown: London. 2017a; (accessed 30-Jan-2020). Example taken from: Hanchard M, Merrington P, Wessels B et al. Developing a computational ontology to understand the relational aspects of audience formation. Emerald Open Res 2020, 2:5 ( |
Third-party data in a controlled access repository |
The linked dataset was analysed within the NHS National Safe Haven, provided by NHS Research Scotland. The Safe Haven is a remote server through which the researcher accesses the health data and services to enable research while protecting the confidentiality of the data. Data remains under the control of the NHS and complies with legislative and NHS policies. The linked dataset is archived within the Safe Haven and is available by application to NHS Scotland via the electronic Data Research and Innovation Service (eDRIS), within NHS National Services Scotland ( To apply for access to these data, please read the guide for researchers and then complete the Enquiry Form, describing your planned study and the data required, and email it to |
NHS NSS Information Services Division: SMR Datasets. 2017. Example taken from: Aldhous MC, Bhatia R, Pollock R et al. HPV infection and pre-term birth: a data-linkage study using Scottish Health Data. Wellcome Open Res 2019, 4:48 ( |
- The name of the repository, archive, museum, library, gallery or other location of the source materials;
- A brief description of the source materials you have used;
- Any available identifiers for the source materials;
- Any additional information on how the source can be accessed or restrictions related to access.
Data Type | Data Availability Statement Example | Data Citation Example |
Data in a national library collection | The sources of newspapers in our research exist and can be referred to by other researchers at the Jakarta National Library using their website or contact the email below The librarian on duty will answer the email sent to this email address. In addition, these sources can also be seen (offline access only) at the North Sumatra Press Museum, Sei Alas Road No. 6, Medan. The Medan History House, Kota Cina/Pematang Siombak Road, No. 65, Neighborhood 7, Paya Pasir Village, Medan Marelan District, Medan 20250. The Center for the Study of History and Social Sciences (PUSSIS) Universitas Negeri Medan, Willem Iskandar Road, Pasar V, Medan Estate. | Example taken from: Azhari I, Sidiq R and Purnamasari I. The role of newspapers published in North Sumatra during Indonesia’s independence struggle between 1916-1925: A discourse. F1000Research 2022, 11:249 ( |
Data from an archival collection |
The collection used for this paper, The Papers of Victor Webb, is held by University of Glasgow Archives and Special Collections. The catalogue is available online: You can access the papers by making an appointment in the Searchroom here: A small number of records in this collection are subject to Data Protection legislation as they contain sensitive information; however, access may be given to bona fide researchers and academics. Please contact the Duty Archivist for advice on how to apply for access to these files ( |
Example taken from: Connelly H. A place to grow: Well-being and activism on Edinburgh’s post-war allotments and how this can inform urban gardening in Scotland today]. Wellcome Open Res 2019, 4:72 ( |
Archaeological excavation report | DIGITAL.CSIC: Mortella III wreck (1527, Corsica, France). Excavation report of the year 2019. 6th field campaign (22sd September to 22sd October 2019), Arrêté n°2019-308, OA3873 (Cazenave de la Roche et al., 2020d) |
Cazenave de la Roche A: Artifacts inventory of the Mortella III wreck: General inventory of the artifacts from the excavations of the Mortella III wreck between 2010 and 2020 (Version 1) [Data set]. Digital CSIC. 2020a. Example taken from: Cazenave de la Roche A, Ciacchella F, Langenegger F et al. Review of the research programme on the Mortella III wreck (2010-2020, Corsica, France): A contribution to the knowledge of the Mediterranean naval architecture and material culture of the Renaissance. Open Res Europe 2022, 2:6 ( |
Bioarchaeological data |
All underlying data related with this manuscript are available in the ArtEmpire database that can be queried at the URL: This project utilised the following underlying data: Description of data: Archaeological and bioarchaeological dataset of the burials excavated in the main nave of Panama Viejo’s cathedral in 2017. Description of data: Archaeological and bioarchaeological dataset of the burials excavated in the atrium of Panama Viejo’s cathedral in 2017. Description of data: Archaeological and bioarchaeological dataset of the burials excavated in the south-east of Panama Viejo’s Main Square in 2018. Description of data: Archaeological and bioarchaeological dataset of the burials excavated in the south-east of Panama Viejo’s Main Square in 2018. |
Example taken from: Rivera-Sandoval J. Conditions of life and death at Panama Viejo: a bioarchaeological study of human skeletal remains (1519-1671). Open Res Europe 2021, 1:88 ( |
- Depositing your dataset into a recognized data repository which assigns globally unique persistent identifiers (such as DOIs).
- Add as much contextual information (metadata) as possible when depositing your dataset into the repository.
- Depositing your dataset into a recognized data repository which uses standard communications protocols like http://.
- Ensuring that the data repository you choose gives continued access to metadata even when datasets are removed.
- Checking for the standards that apply to your data type and using them.
- Ensuring that the data repository you choose allows you to include links or references to other related data.
- Using open, non-proprietary file formats for your data.
- Adding as much contextual information (metadata) as possible when depositing your dataset into a repository.
- Applying an open license to your data, preferably CC0 or CC-BY 4.0.
- Checking for the standards that apply to your data type and using them.
Data Type | Where To Submit* | What To Include In The Data Availability Section Of Your Article |
Any | B2Share† | Title, DOI |
Any | Dryad | Title, DOI |
Any, but especially data in SAV and POR formats | Dataverse | Title, DOI |
Any | Figshare$ | Title, DOI |
Any, but especially deposits with mixed data, materials and documents | Open Science Framework† | Title, DOI |
Any, but especially deposits with mixed data and code | Zenodo | Title, DOI |
Deposits of mixed data and code | Code Ocean | Title, DOI, embed code for interactive reanalysis tool |
$ If you think your data are suitable for visualization within your article through the Figshare viewer, please contact us.
† Deposits must be made public and your project must be registered to ensure that a record will remain persistent and unchangeable.
Data Type | Where To Submit* | What To Include In The Data Availability Section Of Your Article |
Latest source code | GitHub , BitBucket, SourceForge or Google Code | URL |
Archived source code | Zenodo | Title, DOI and license* used |
Deposits of mixed data and code | Code Ocean | Title, DOI, embed code for interactive reanalysis tool |
Software | Authors may host software where they wish, though it is strongly recommended to use a stable URL | URL |
Data Type | Where To Submit | What To Include In The Data Availability Section Of Your Article |
Any | DANS-EASY* | Title, DOI |
Any, but reserved for ISCPR member institutions | Open ICPSR | Title, DOI |
Any | UK Data Archive* | Title, DOI |
Social and economic data | UK Data Service | Title, DOI |
Qualitative social science data | The Qualitative Data Repository | Title, DOI |
Language data | Any appropriate CLARIN repository | Title, DOI |
Archaeology data | ADS UK | Title, DOI |
Demographic data | DSDR | Title, DOI |