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Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (TyVAC)

Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (TyVAC)

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How to Publish

Guidelines for Article Preparation for Submission

Editorials submitted to Gates Open Research will first be published on its associated preprint server, VeriXiv, and then the version of record article be published on Gates Open Research and indexed accordingly.
Editorials are short personal perspectives about topics relevant to a specific article collection or gateway.
Specifically, they have been developed to enable advisors overseeing an article collection or gateway on Gates Open Research to announce the launch of their gateway/collection, to explain its aims and scope and specific processes, or communicate policies or other developments that are directly relevant to the group of researchers they represent. Advisors can publish no more than two Editorials per year.
Editorials are not peer reviewed and must not include new research and data. They are evaluated by the in-house editorial team, if necessary in consultation with advisory board members.
Editorials can only be submitted by invitation and ultimate editorial responsibility for the Editorial lies with Gates Open Research's Editorial Director. Editorials that are accepted will be indexed in PubMed.

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