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1-7 of 7 ARTICLES
Software Tool Article metrics
Introducing qrlabelr: Fast user-friendly software for machine- and human-readable labels in agricultural research and development
[version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]
Peer Reviewers Adrian Correndo; Jenna Hershberger; Olivoto Tiago
  • Funders
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • United States Agency for International Development
PUBLISHED 27 Mar 2024
Research Article metrics
Informing climate-smart agriculture in low resource settings for practitioners: A review and analysis of interactive tools
[version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]
Peer Reviewer Turyasingura Benson
  • Funder
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
PUBLISHED 01 Mar 2024
Research Article metrics
A study of the effectiveness of a detergent-based California mastitis test (CMT), using Ethiopian and Nigerian domestic detergents, for the detection of high somatic cell counts in milk and their reliability compared to the commercial UK CMT
[version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
Peer Reviewers Katharine A. Leach; John Fishwick
  • Funder
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Systematic Review metrics
Refining livestock mortality indicators: a systematic review
[version 1; peer review: 3 approved]
Peer Reviewers Alasdair J.C. Cook; Ishmael Festus Jaja; Julia Adriana Calderón Díaz and Martyna Lagoda
  • Funder
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
PUBLISHED 19 Apr 2021
Research Article metrics
Farmers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards management of cassava pests and diseases in forest transition and Guinea savannah agro-ecological zones of Ghana
[version 2; peer review: 2 approved]
Peer Reviewers Andrew Sarkodie Appiah; Peace Musiimenta and Losira Nasirumbi Sanya
  • Funder
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Software Tool Article metrics
Software tools for practical application of human nutrient requirements in food-based social science research
[version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations, 1 not approved]
Peer Reviewers Olivier Ecker; Saskia De Pee
  • Funder
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
PUBLISHED 10 Dec 2020
Open Letter metrics
Are current avian influenza vaccines a solution for smallholder poultry farmers?
[version 1; peer review: 1 approved, 3 approved with reservations]
Peer Reviewers Luca Busani; Gavin J.D. Smith; Erica Spackman; Leslie D. Sims
  • Funder
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
PUBLISHED 26 Aug 2020
1-7 of 7 ARTICLES

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