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Can I still publish an analysis of my published dataset in other journals?

The journals and publishers listed below have confirmed with us that they welcome research articles reporting analyses and conclusions that are based on previously published datasets: They do not consider the publication of a dataset with a DOI and associated protocol information as a ‘prior publication’ that would preclude subsequent publication of new results obtained from such a dataset. This includes publications of datasets as Data Note articles:

  • » BMC journals
  • » BMJ Group journals
  • » Elsevier journals
  • » IOS Press journals
  • » The Lancet journals
  • » Nature-titled journals
  • » PLoS journals
  • » RSC journals
  • » SAGE journals
  • » Adv Clin Neurosci Rehabil
  • » Am J Immunol
  • » Arthritis Rheumatol
  • » Bioinformatics
  • » Cardiovasc Ther
  • » Ecol Lett
  • » Eur J Neurosci
  • » F1000Research
  • » Int J Eat Disord
  • » Int J Obstet Anesth
  • » J Clin Invest
  • » J Neurol
  • » J Neurosci
  • » J Pain
  • » J Plant Ecol
  • » Neurourol Urodyn
  • » New Engl J Med
  • » Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
  • » Science

Respondents that would see the publication of data with a DOI and protocol information as potential prior publication:

  • » Cell Press journals
  • » Ann Oncol

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