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Mobile Septage Treatment System Design Documents

Mobile Septage Treatment System Design Documents

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How to Publish

Open Access Article Publishing Charges

Article Processing Charges
All content published on Gates Open Research is fully Open Access immediately upon publication. The publication costs are covered through article processing charges (APCs), which are funded centrally by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This means that researchers partially or wholly funded by the Gates Foundation can publish on the platform without direct cost to them. On submission, authors will only be asked for the grant number (OPPID) that funded their research.
APCs for Gates Open Research are based on article type. This is in recognition of the varying editorial time and effort involved in publishing different article types.
Category A
Data Notes, Correspondence
$ 735 * †
Price breakdown
Category B
Study Protocols, Registered Reports, Software Tool Articles, Research Notes
$ 919 * †
Price breakdown
Category C
Research Articles, Method Articles, Systematic Reviews, Clinical Practice Articles, Case Reports, Open Letters
$ 1,242 * †
Price breakdown
Data Notes, Correspondence
$ 735 * †
Community development
Submission to pre-publication checks
Pre-publication checks to publication
Peer review management
Services after publication
Platform development
Marketing and business development
Author and user support
Study Protocols, Registered Reports, Software Tool Articles, Research Notes
$ 919 * †
Community development
Submission to pre-publication checks
Pre-publication checks to publication
Peer review management
Services after publication
Platform development
Marketing and business development
Author and user support
Research Articles, Method Articles, Systematic Reviews, Clinical Practice Articles, Case Reports, Open Letters
$ 1,242 * †
Community development
Submission to pre-publication checks
Pre-publication checks to publication
Peer review management
Services after publication
Platform development
Marketing and business development
Author and user support
Value Added Tax on these fees, where applicable, is payable in addition to these fees.
Data hosting costs: When authors upload their datasets onto a data repository, they may be charged by the repository if the data files exceed certain size limit (for details, please see our Data Guidelines). For large data sets that are visualised in the article via Figshare, Gates may be charged an additional fee.
Revised and Update articles

Authors can publish one or more new versions of a published article. A revised version is usually published in response to points raised during the peer review process – revised versions are published at no extra charge; an update is a new version that reflects small developments in the research since publication – updates carry a charge of US $340 per update.

APC Breakdown for Gates Open Research

Gates Open Research is committed to providing transparency where possible to demonstrate the services and value we provide for authors. The following APC breakdowns for all Gates Open Research price categories use the Information Power’s Plan S Price Transparency framework breakdown scheme.

Community Development

Gates Open Research works collaboratively with its grantees to develop and manage gateways and collections, supporting those communities in publishing a wide range of academic outputs. Gates Open Research also works closely with its Advisory Board to improve and develop the platform. Gates Open Research continues to innovate around editorial guidelines and policies, which incorporate Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR) data principles and software availability to encourage the best open research practices. Gates Open Research is an actively contributing member of various industry organizations including COPE and OASPA, and works closely with organizations like Crossref, FAIRSharing and ORCID to move towards to a more interoperable and connected research infrastructure.

Submission to Pre-publication Checks

Articles submitted to Gates Open Research first undergo an editorial triaging process which assess article scope and eligibility, check for plagiarism, and assess whether the underlying data and software has been made available. Before, during and after these checks the Gates Open Research editorial team also respond to editorial enquiries and provide information to the authors on what is required in order for the full pre-publication checks to begin.

Pre-publication Checks to Publication

Gates Open Research in-house editorial team provide a comprehensive service that consists of a set of rigorous pre-publication checks to ensure that all the editorial policies and reporting and ethical guidelines are adhered to. This service includes in-house data and software support where the team advise and guide authors how to ensure their data is FAIR and can be accessed from the information included in the data availability statement. Upon acceptance, the production team ensure articles are made available in industry standard formats (PDF, HTML, XML) so that all content is fully text and data minable. Before an article is published, the production team provide proofs and perform quality checks on citations and references, image resolutions, any included multimedia, as well as ensuring persistent identifiers are assigned and resolve correctly.

Peer Review Management

The editorial team identify and invite expert peer reviewers, and verify any reviewer suggestions made by authors. When a review is submitted, the editorial team check the review and its accompanying peer review status and publish the reviews and names of the reviewers alongside the article. All peer review enquiries and peer review support (including helping find suitable reviewers) are managed by our in-house editorial team.

Services after Publication

Once an article is published, Gates Open Research provides authors with detailed article-level metrics to see and measure the impact of their work. Gates Open Research ensures articles are discoverable by including content in major bibliographic indexers (e.g. PubMed, PubMed Central, MEDLINE etc.) and ensuring the content is preserved in perpetuity by archiving it through Portico. For readers, all articles can be live-tracked and easily found through customisable article alerts and feeds.

Platform Development

Gates Open Research has a scalable, custom-built publishing infrastructure supporting the open research publishing process including registration, submission, publication, post-publication peer review and article versioning. In addition to publishing technology, Gates Open Research has a built-in peer reviewer selector tool, technology to safeguard quality control, and an agile central management system to support our gateway and collection communities. Gates Open Research regularly innovates to make content more dynamic, interactive and reproducible. Gates Open Research also develops technology that integrates, syndicates and is interoperable with important systems that support the wider research life cycle.

Marketing and Business Development

Gates Open Research uses social media, digital media, monthly newsletters and blogs to promote and highlight authors work. There is also support for editorial campaigns and events to support the foundations research programs. More broadly, Gates Open Research supports the promotion and communication of the platform’s open research mission.

Author and User Support

Gates Open Research regularly surveys authors and has a dedicated editorial service helpdesk where authors, reviewers and readers can send enquiries and/or feedback on their publishing experience. Gates Open Research welcomes open debate and discussion and supports and manages an open and transparent commenting functionality for registered users.

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