Rigorous, Trustworthy & Transparent Publishing

Rigorous, Trustworthy & Transparent Publishing

Gates Open Research is a platform for transparent open access publication of trusted, peer reviewed research funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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  • Enables researchers to publish any research outputs they want to share, supporting reproducibility and transparency
  • Provides the curation venue of a ‘publish, review, curate’ publication model in combination with Gates Open Research’s associated preprint server, VeriXiv
  • Includes citations to all supporting data, enabling reanalyses, replication and reuse
© Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Christopher Farber

Benefits for Researchers

  • Supports the reproducibility of results and accelerates the dissemination of findings.
  • Publish your work open access in a venue indexed in PubMed and Scopus.
  • Publish a range of article types: research articles, data sets, null results, protocols, case reports, and more.
© Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Ricardo Funari

Benefits for Research

  • Aims to shift the way research and researchers are evaluated.
  • Moves away from journal-based measures towards direct assessment of individual outputs.
  • Supports research assessment based on the intrinsic value of the research, not the venue of publication.
© Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Prashant Panjiar

Benefits for Society

  • Reduces the barrier to collaborative research through data sharing, transparency and attribution.
  • Reduces research waste and helps to remove the bias in our understanding of research.
  • Enables others to build upon new ideas right away, wherever and whoever they are.
Trevor Mundel

The Gates Foundation is dedicated to the belief that all lives have equal value and everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a healthy and productive life. To solve the challenges of the 21st century, we must accelerate open access to high-quality research on health, education, and economic development. Gates Open Research is designed to ensure that the research we fund can be of immediate benefit to society.

Trevor Mundel
President of Global Health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation